Nordic Adventure Camps

Weekly day camps, Monday - Friday, in Stavanger and Amsterdam. Nordic Adventure Camps provide a balanced academic and adventure experience.


Amsterdam Camps

Next camp in summer 2024


Stavanger Camps

Next camp in summer 2024

Students at NTA will

Numerous camps provide leadership, adventure or academics;
Nordic Terrain Academy balances all three without compromise.

Key Pillars


Academic achievement and university readiness are essential for a balanced learner. NTA offers a range of subjects including mathematics, science, business/economics, english and other languages, all delivered by passionate, creative and experienced international educators. With support from their teachers and their newly made friends, students are able to apply real world connections through the content delivered at camp. We aim to encourage and extend lifelong learners at NTA and the classroom is just the tip of the iceberg.


The adventure program at NTA focuses on giving our students a well-rounded experience in a variety of outdoor pursuits including kayaking, rock climbing, hiking and surfing. We instill skills transferable to everyday life, such as resilience, optimism, self-management and critical thinking. Individual and group reflection post activity are also focal points of NTA’s ethos to maximise learning.


Throughout NTA’s two week program, students will develop a range of leadership skills including empathy, communication, creativity and teamwork. We introduce various activities that allow students to understand what these skills are and how to use their personalities and attributes to develop them. Our goal is to provide our students with a toolkit to become leaders in their lives as they strive towards university applications and more importantly for their life beyond formal education.


As our world becomes increasingly globalized, universities and corporations are looking for internationally-minded thinkers. From a local community approach, to the global community, the whole spectrum is accessible at NTA and we aim to instill the importance of these and everything in between with our students. With students coming from all over the world, we understand that students’ individual differences can create incredible melting pots for new ideas and future orientated thinking. NTA aims to foster strong international friendships and in turn create opportunities and invaluable connections for our students’ futures.

Supporting Pillars

In summer 2023, we will run weekly day camps, Monday - Friday (8.30 - 15.30), in Stavanger and Amsterdam. NTA camps are tailored for students within a specific age group to support them in preparation for the next stage of their educational journey.

NTA Programs

Dates & Camps

Amsterdam Camps
July 31st- Aug. 25th

Ages 6 - 17

Stavanger Camps
July 10 - 14
July 17 - 21

Ages 7 - 14

SEE FULL SCHEDULE on the STAVANGER 2023 and AMSTERDAM 2023 tabs above

Overnight Camps


Enrollment opening soon

Contact us, and we'll send you more information when enrollment opens.

Have more questions?


Frequently Asked Questions

Our Director is contactable from 8:00 til 18:00. Parents will receive this number prior to the program.

Yes please. We will advise you of the drop off and pick up locations for the program.

  • Hiking boots (worn in)
  • Walking shoes/trainers
  • Long socks for hiking
  • Swimsuit
  • Water shoes (recommended)
  • Beach towel
  • Hat/cap
  • Suncream
  • Hiking pants
  • Hiking shorts
  • Hiking bag (20 – 35L)
  • Water bottle (1 Litre)
  • Rain jacket
  • Rain pants
  • Fleece/thin jumper (for layering)
  • Spare set of clothes (in case we have a water fight or get wet on an adventure)
  • Personal medication (to be checked by NTA medical on arrival)
  • Spending money for specific excursions only any NTA merchandise they may like to buy.

They certainly can! If you send a request with your booking we will ensure this happens.

Your son/daughter will have the opportunity to buy an ice cream/drink during one or two excursion within the week and may bring enough money for that. Apart from that, you can visit the camp store and buy camp merchandise if you wish after campers are dismissed for the day.

Campers can bring their phones with them during the program at their own risk. Camp is waaayyyy more exciting than a phone anyway. We appreciate using phones for pictures with friends but we will have no other use for phones during program time. During activities we want to ensure all campers are engaged fully with the excitement of camp and making new friends.

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Contact us for more information